For the past couple of years I have made presents ( "you don't gnome me" and "that's the tooth") but I couldn't ship bags and t-shirts to everyone with the outrageous cost of postage here so, to keep everyone close to my heart (cheese alert) I decided to make my own holiday cards this year. This is also the first time I've even sent out cards, so to those that I missed, I apologize. I set up shop in the living room and carved out potatoes, traced stencils and mixed colours. It was a great weekend and it was fun to custom make them for everyone so far away. I think they turned out allllright, in the future I might consider using this technique to make wrapping paper or t-shirts.
A few tips and tricks that I learned while making potato stamps:
2)Acrylic paint works fine, but it was more practical to paint on the colour i wanted rather than to dip the potato directly into the paint. the third and fourth stampings are always lovlier than the first ones.
3) The potatoes can be used for up to a week (maybe more) after being carved out, just wipe clean and store in a plastic bag in the fridge (NOTE these do not make tasty mashed potatoes!)